V. familiar with that part of the volumetric experiment space! :) :)

Ps. These weren't made w/ the https://t.co/QItEOpHnJj clojure libs, but the older toxiclibs (RIP) in 2009...

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Not THE, but A more OG chroma squiggle from 2007, using declarative parametric color schemes

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(Passively) taking part in via time machine and (my own) historical references:

Day 8: Single curve only

Toxiclibs colorutils demo, 2008

1 25

31/ As mentioned earlier on in this thread, was a collection of ~300 "building blocks for computational design" (for Java/Processing) & formed basis for most of my work between 2006-2011... (These visualizations were created as exercise during a workshop at )

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Playing with Voronoi diagrams and image processing,easy with and

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