Retro Gaming Memory! ❤

Title: Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
Developer: Rare
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: NES/Famicom
Year: 1990

13 109

Retro Gaming Memory! ❤

Title: Battletoads
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: NES/Famicom
Year: 1991

19 106

Retro Gaming Memory! ❤

Title: Battletoads in Battle Maniacs
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: Super Nintendo
Year: 1993

5 8

I’ve heard enough about the blockchain, what I want now is to hear about the Plok-chain. It’s a new world of NFT (Nintendo, From Tradewest). Unfortunately, this will require a significant amount of energy consumption, so here is an image of our hero setting fire to the planet

9 43

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: SNES/Super Famicom
Year: 1993

23 95

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Double Dragon
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: NES/Famicom
Year: 1988

33 142

Developed by Software Creations
Published by Tradewest/Nintendo
Verdict: YES Pile

+ Imaginative concept that works well. Variety of power-ups. Some levels are well done.
- Others are not and are full of GOTCHAs/Blind Jumps. Spongy enemies.

2 7

アーケード『怒 -IKARI-』のエンディングで、救出した上司が現れる場面。日本版(左)は、SNK創業者の川崎英吉氏をモデルにした「ジェネラル川崎」。海外版(右)では、海外の販売元Tradewest社の共同創業者リーランド・クック氏をモデルにした「クック大佐」に変わってる。

37 50

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Plok
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: SNES/Super Famicom
Year: 1993


8 23

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: NES/Famicom
Year: 1990


13 80

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Battletoads
Publisher: Tradewest
Version: NES/Famicom
Year: 1991


16 27

R.C. PRO-AM II - NES, 1992, Tradewest.
The tracks themselves have more variety, some have unusual enemies and more kinds of obstacles. You also have several lives and don't die immediately if you arrived last

3 3

On this Day in 🎂

Title: Battletoads
Publisher: Tradewest
Platform: NES
Year: 1993
Region: Europe

31 41