Parlava, parlava molto. Non tralasciava niente.
Senza che la sua voce lo soppesasse.
Qnt e qnt notti
in bianco
ad ascoltare i treni, le navi, le stelle,
a soppesare la materia, o il colore
di un suono,
a dare un nome a ombre e nubi
G. Ritsos


2 4

O cara Befana , prendi un trenino
che fermi a casa di ogni bambino
che fermi alle case dei poveretti
con tanti doni e tanti confetti.
Gianni Rodari .

29 57

I had so much joy this World Cup I haven't felt more proud of my Hrvatski heritage & especially of the 🐐 Luka Modrić, who has inspired me w/ his humility and kindness time and time again. Here's my lil' tribute to the legend himself!


0 3

・Trenia cuts Asebi and Northpole's hair.
・Onsijoum abandoned her job and worked at a maid cafe. As Kanna was taking Onsijoum home, a mysterious woman approached her. 《ep.22~28》

0 1

・Trenia cuts Asebi and Northpole's hair.
・Onsijoum abandoned her job and worked at a maid cafe. As Kanna was taking Onsijoum home, a mysterious woman approached her. 《ep.22~28》

0 0

・Oncidium arrives on earth. She seems to be looking for Asebi. And Kanna also heads to Earth.
・The third semester has begun. Chamomile, who repeated a year in school, is now in the same class as Asebi and Trenia.


0 3

・Oncidium arrives on earth. She seems to be looking for Asebi. And Kanna also heads to Earth.
・The third semester has begun. Chamomile, who repeated a year in school, is now in the same class as Asebi and Trenia.


0 0

heard this was trening, not sure if I'm late or not qwq

3 17

Hola! A través del compte oficial de Slam Dunk (), podem veure un nou pòster de la nova pel·lícula de "The First Slam Dunk". Tant de bo l'estreni per a cinemes en català i amb el repartiment d'actors i actrius originals de la sèrie.

40 204

Como parte de mi proyecto de universidad debiamos dibujar un escenario deformado, así que la mejor manera para hacerlo era con SHOVEL KNIGHT.
Curiosamente dibujarlos chicos es bastante entrenido al tener conceptos y colorometría muy distinta. Buen día bandita.

28 129

Frankly, they're all ridiculously hot. (Art for Aoife and Treni by , Belieze is and Tirowam is )

1 1

Oh, they're all hot. Well most of them anyway. Art: Aoife and Treni are by , Belieze is by and Tirowan is by )

1 8

Wszystkiego najlepszego,

Tu jesteś, towarzyszu. Szybciej niż się spodziewałem!

Widzę, że nie zapominasz o swoim treningu... Widzę to po twoim spojrzeniu.

1 62

Ja queda menys perquè estreni el manga de però sembla que mentre esperava, en Takemichi s'ha ficat en un embolic... avisem a en Mikey i en Draken perquè el vinguin a ajudar??😁

5 30

Sto cercando aiuto dal Twitterverse, Il 23 giugno Ho perso Il mio album da disengage acquerello a Milano o sui treni per Milano/Reggio Emilia/Genova. Qualche idea? Molte grazie per tutto l’aiuto. Per favore, scusa Il mio Italiano. 😬

23 28

Acabo pero igual deje la tabla imprenta de los que ya estan terminados en el directo mucho tiempo jajaja,entrenido uwu

1 1