People hate on Bruxish way too much
Its a perfectly fine and unique looking fish and a good translation of the reef triggerfish its based on
Plus its super colorful and vibrant

1 2

🌊 Beach Borne Bae New Girl Drop 🌊

64,65 (Redtoothed triggerfish, Splendid alfonsino)

Fixed price: 0.12 ETH

I just listed new artworks ”Beach Borne Bae and

18 43

also I will not take any Bruxish slander. I have been a fan of it since it's reveal

She is the defintion of camp and being based off a reef triggerfish makes her even cooler

2 5

3rd Rainmaker Cup Top 8
- L3D seen on 6 different teams
- 23.3% of Rays & 21.4% of SCU on 52gd
- 7/8 2x Ray comps belonged to 🥈 team (Musselforge/Walleye the only maps where they didn't go 2x Ray)
- Triggerfish is the other map where a team went 2x Ray

5 14

he did a splashdown on camp triggerfish and is too embarrassed to respawn so hes playing dead

28 127

Titan triggerfish mermaid sketch

1 6

rlly trippy old triggerfish crosshatching thing

5 21

Excited to share my online talk tomorrow: "Considering decoupled phenotypic diversification between ontogenetic phases in macroevolution" at virtual Come say hi at 11:00 est (or view anytime after) and learn about triggerfishes!🐠

9 81

65th Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Reef most counterpick'd map
- 64.9% of Armors came from NZAP85
- 60.6% of Missiles came from KShot
- Yes, that is an Undercover Sorella Brella
- And an Enperry as well, but Inkjet for Triggerfish isn't unheard of

5 24

another May, another baybee 3rd one in a row! as usual I try to push the definition of "mermaid" into strange (mostly stupid) forms

-gulper eel (again)
-queen triggerfish
-barnacle (yeah)
-fishing hook

2 10

Todays for

“Clown triggerfish. The colouration of triggerfish fade into drabness when they sleep or are being submissive, and return to vividness when they are not threatened.”


23 84

my hatred for camp triggerfish is so strong i feel so gross and bad and i wish camp triggerfish was never added to splatoon 2

0 0

Some clown triggerfish for these are such fun fish!

1 8

Late on my because I am fortunate enough to be in Maui right now. Here’s one of my favorite snorkel and scuba companions lately: it’s the state fish of Hawaii, the reef triggerfish, otherwise known as humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa!

10 43

The reef triggerfish would be best at fraud, as its alias in Hawaiian, humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa would be very difficult to fit onto tax registry forms properly

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