What do you make of the new cover for 's Soulbound and Champions Of Destruction? Do you want to play as Orruks, Ogors and Troggoths? https://t.co/nT2vmxflR1

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My 1st ever Warhammer army was WHFB Orcs & Goblins. Seeing these new Orruk Warclans takes me right back there. You can't believe how excited I am about this army. Orruks, Grots, & Troggoths (+Hobgrots), back in one army & dialled up to 11. I mean, just look at these monsters! 😍

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Ahora Skragrott dice tener el beneplácito de la Luna Malvada , Grandes Hordas de Goblins ,Troggoths
entre otros le siguen al campo de batalla . , Skragrott esta reclutando locos para su ejercito , Locos que dicen haber hablado con la Luna Malvada . Tiene un plan secreto .

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Getting there! Most of the remaining details base coated and washed (other than the black) so should come together nice and quickly now!

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Had some more fun building tonight. Loonboss for the manglersquigs and the final 3 troggs. Still alot of cleaning up to do but pleased with how it's all shaping up.

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