it's rewatching twilight szn 🌲🕯 here's probably the most drawn bella scene ever 😭

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Alice Cullen but she's a lesbian that's it it's canon now

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I rewatched and drew my OC as a Twilight vampire. Sparkly skin lmaoo

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Jasper Hale can kick my teeth in and I’ll thank him, send tweet

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Twilight fanart to remind you that every early 2000s action/horror/suspense movie had a blue filter for some reason?? 🤣

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🎶It’s never who you want to be polyamorous who’s polyamorous.🎶

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Twilight "Starsong" Sparkle!.
This is my design for Twilight Sparkle + Starsong From my mlp generation made by me (AU if you prefer)

She is the daughter of a high priest of the night palace and masters "musical magic"

She is a Nightmare.

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So the lion fell in love with the lamb

What a stupid lamb,
what a sick masochistic lion.

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