Fear not Fudders will never flip your pfp nft project.

Mainly because we just don't give a fuck about your dumbass pfp mfer.

2 13

I believe a year ago today created purge day.

Purge day is a day all Fudders can get that GMI energy out of their system.

On most days you'll hear fudders telling you they are NGMI and not to buy into the project, but on purge day... it's a different energy! 😤

4 23

GM to my and

Smoking 30 lbs of Brisket today for a wedding tomorrow so today call me “Chef” Benny Boss Hog

1 12

Haven't made a sale or profit in some time (Haven't gotten rekted either) so I decided to buy 2 to feel something!

Feels great to burn ETH.

1 13

So I was scrolling through some old posts the other day and I saw I had reposted post about fighting the fudders. I thought to myself, they really did try to destroy . They tried to villainize Z. They tried to disband the team. They tried to kill this idea! But… https://t.co/RanjGkYXqg

116 403

's not much, but it's honest work

gotta ask tho, why're you tryin' to milk that bull gato, you gotta find one with them udders ya goofball cat

0 0

Anyone that uses Fudders as a way to make a scam collection on another chain is legit NGMI.

Just grab a legit at that point

6 13

Erm sorry to spoil the party but it's not an official bull run until the pump.

0 2

It is time to get my coffee.

How many Fudders here like coffee?

1 12


Take it from someone who's heard this quoted in many board meetings. You cant support the community, make your investors happy or do great things if you don't profit. It's long term thinking.

FUDDers of just dont understand this concept!


9 95

You've got holders telling you to NOT buy a Fudder and the other half saying buy one 😂 Question is do you buy one ??

2 7

Fudders suck at all platforms equally

1 2

Detractors/Fudders of or any project with great holders, have failed themselves by dismissing the power and the value of the community without fully understanding its capabilities and potential impact.
Simple as this cat!

32 118

I think the realization that not all are GMI is kicking in .

2 4

Seeing modded Lalafel is just... *shudders*

0 3

You cannot convince me this restaurant isn't an upscale version of Rudders, staffed by those with the most sinuous, elegant tails imaginable.

14 134

Did you feel that? Could've sworn I felt a cold breeze just now🥶

➡️See Hira combo his Meteor Stomp with the Air element in this animation 🌬️

124 1068