This is a bit late since i was still having to transfer over everything, and then had a bit more laptop issues but happy valentines day, I made this for a friend of mine.
lucifer,lol,valentines,artwork,digital art

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A little late for Valentines-Day but here have some boobilicious love from Natalie ❤

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Lola is ready for Valentines-Day🥰
Will you be her Valentine?

Base by

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Happy Valentines-Day! Drew this catradora art for my gf as a surprise💕

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done! Happy Valentines-Day ❤️🌸🌹

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Don't really have any valentines-day art to show but my two ladies Pencari and Kallist being one heart and one soul :3

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As an artist it almost obligatory for me to draw something for this lovely day and so I decided to draw an old couple of mine that I created back in high-school

So give a big cheer for Rita and Bear!!

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Whatever your plans are on valentines-day ”I think you’re cute”🎈💌

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In honor of just-after-valentines-day, I wanted to post some art I've done for my partner as gifts. He's a huge sweetie, and just so relaxing to be around. I'm really proud to say we've helped eachother grow and learn about the world so much in just a few years.

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Commissioned to do a lil valentines-day thingy of me and uwu
It came out soo cute I love that >\\\<
I love commissioning ppl

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a reminder to love yourself first and foremost. treat your self right by not playing fighting games on wifi ❤.

happy Valentines-day

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Happy Valentines Day!
Though I guess this is more of a Day-After-Valentines-Day-Sales picture... buy yourself something nice

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☆・。 。・☆

Nothing to do on Valentines Day? You want to just lay back and relax a bit? Then join me in this special Valentines-Day-Stream!

If everything works out, I will fangirl & play a bit of on the 14.02 at 8PM CET! ✨


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❤️Happy Valentines-Day ❤️

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