Buffy Summers ya no es la elegida en la próxima serie comics del universo titulada como "The Vampire Slayer". Willow Rosenberg será quien llevara ahora el manto de la Vampire Slayer. The Vampire Slayer saldrá a la venta el 20 de abril 2022.

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Birthday art time once again!

style TDO to wish a very Happy 44th Birthday!

in as well as Daphne in and many more memorable roles

Here’s SMG back in the day as

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If you haven't yet picked up your copy of season 10, the oversized Library Edition with beautiful cover art by , and superb writing by and Buffy star , I highly recommend it.

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Buffy as Alice in (an even stranger) Wonderland, comic book art by Paul Lee and Brian Horton

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cover art by . I always buy both covers of every issue that comes out, since S8 to S11.

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S8, written by Joss Whedon, art🎨➡Georges Jeanty, with iconic variant cover➡

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