one super frothy with …always an amazing pick-me-up! 😊😊 freehand of key ingredients

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just love creating these drinks which are amazing straight after a due to high with and plus (as per ). These are style

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in pen (with the new drawing being the three ingredients that make an incredible that’s high and amazing after a distance !

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enjoyed creating this vegetable flourless crumble. Dry roasted carrots, chargrilled peppers and mixed with a vegan sauce infusing (pen of sauce) …

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always love combining three passions with and …here are those three things Accomplished at the weekend for (spooky is currently my little nieces favourite word so set the inspiration!)

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Always a pleasure to illustrate furry friends! My books are open for pet portrait commissions, with prices from just £40 🎉

Visit for more info!

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Pet portraits make fantastic gifts that are unique, personalised and stand the test of time! 🙌Send me a dm or go to for more info 😍

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more freehand pen from the past few months reflecting key ingredients within this made up flan

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also had fun creating these with melted (mixed with and this was sweetened with ) for dipping! More reflecting

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seems to have been the theme this -always stocking the freezer with (made this with white and some )

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enjoyed creating these brownies at the weekend with (as per ) and leftover mincemeat (being inventive with what could be found!) plus lots of

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more inventive burgers with roasted carrot sauce using with a little too (using skills to create a !) always love using chopsticks!

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to bring a &reflect the season super meltinthemouth thanks to (as per ) also, lots of and a orange filling

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