While waiting for someone, I received a surprise invitation from another world! A journey awaits! ✨

429 2296

While reading in the rainy night, I received a surprise invitation from another world! A journey awaits!

1675 16159

While resting under a tree, I received a surprise invitation from another world! A journey awaits!

586 4461

While playing with sheeps, we received a surprise invitation from another world! A journey awaits!

416 2525

While sharing the moment together, we received a surprise invitation from another world! A journey awaits!

151 616

While chasing the sunset, we received a surprise invitation from another world! A journey awaits!

377 1789

Dimecres, 29 de març del 2023, a les 7 del vespre, a la seu del de es presentarà el llibre il·lustrat titulat "FEUDALS. CASTELLET NO S'ENFONSA"

A càrrec del l'autor-il·lustrador, Oriol Garcia Quera

+ informació https://t.co/BUUwBmKnb8

2 0

📢Aquesta vesprada tenim... sobre Intel·ligència Artificial🤖 !!!

🖥️Comboi online

👉Amb , , i

⏰21 de març / 19 h

🚀+INFO: https://t.co/kKP5L63Fc4


5 10

Here are some happy Spring illustrations! After this long winter, with so much illness and crazyness, it’s time for a little more sunshine and a lot more happy!

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i wanted to do more on the perspective but this was the best my head could do *sobs*

2 5

davesprite and davepeta

16 70

I like my Davesprites FLUFFY. Free to use icons!! 🧡

5 13

Tal vez a John no le caía tan bien Davesprite porque lo hacia dudar de su sexualidad, para pensar!

57 312

Made a new OC a few days a go and her name is Vespra :)

3 12