An illustration of the footwear of the Annam people in the book "Connaissance du Vietnam", 1954 by Maurice Durand and Piere Huard.
Comparison of illustrations with artifacts and photographs.

51 242

Some patterns of wooden clogs and embroidered beaded sandals were popularly used by southern Vietnamese (Cochinchine) women in the late Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945).

7 37

"Musée Khai Dinh - Hue" is a comprehensive book with illustrations about Vietnamese artifacts and treasures in the Nguyen Dynasty compiled by B.A.V.H - "Asociation des amis du vieux Hué", 1931.

10 60

Some types of traditional Vietnamese musical instruments from records in the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) (Part 1).

37 141

Kim ước phát (金約髮) is a type of jewelry used to wear on the head of concubines and women of the Nguyen Dynasty (1802 - 1945).

10 49

- Some kits used for traditional Vietnamese smoking -《吸𧆄》
Smoking has been recorded in Vietnam quite early, the most popular and oldest being Thuốc Lào (Nicotiana rustica) and later the introduction of opium and tobacco.

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