An illustration of the footwear of the Annam people in the book "Connaissance du Vietnam", 1954 by Maurice Durand and Piere Huard.
Comparison of illustrations with artifacts and photographs.

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-Les Parasoliers- (Làm lọng), Lưu Văn Sìn (1905-1980), silk painting, 1935.

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Some patterns of wooden clogs and embroidered beaded sandals were popularly used by southern Vietnamese (Cochinchine) women in the late Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945).

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"Musée Khai Dinh - Hue" is a comprehensive book with illustrations about Vietnamese artifacts and treasures in the Nguyen Dynasty compiled by B.A.V.H - "Asociation des amis du vieux Hué", 1931.

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A set of paintings depicting the people of Annam during the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) by artist Marie Antoinette Boullard-Devé (1887 - 1966)painted in 1930 in the collection of the Colonial Exhibition.

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Some types of traditional Vietnamese musical instruments from records in the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) (Part 1).

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The image of a Tonkin rural woman in the paintings of French artist Victor Tardieu (1870-1937), used as a sketch for the fresco of the Indochina School of Fine Arts.

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