Meet your heros @ We are honored 2 that Trent Claus, award-winning VFX Supe with Lola VFX, is giving a masterclass @ Digital Makeup Effects in a Photoreal Environment.

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Interested in concept art then mark your calendar to attend Sebastien Hue’s talk & masterclass during Thrilled that Sebastien has joined our spectacular lineup. Boost your skills & learn from the Masters.

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Need For Speed: Heat will be the focus of Henry LaBounta’s talk. Have you seen the trailer? Save the date and see you at VIEW Conference in Torino, Italia.

21-25 Oct

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is delighted 2 announce that Conrad Vernon will be keynoting He will deliver a talk about the new Addams Family movie to be released this Oct

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wants tonthank -#SebastienHue 4 the beautiful artwork 4 Can you find the symbol of Turin in the painting? Sébastien will be participating with a talk and a masterclass on concept art.

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continues exploring beautiful Turin. The symbol of Turin is the bull and today we noticed this bull as we were having a coffee in Caffè TORINO in piazza san carlo.
for our next
21-25 Oct 2019

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