Hello people! Tweaked this Demonic Shield/Mask on todays stream! Think we're almost done with this frontvieuw! Thx again for support and poppin by! WIP

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Did some Generic practise on todays stream nothin too fancy but thanks for joining really apreciate it!! WIP

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Tweaked the 2nd Sketch from the General Practise sess, tried to make him a bit more descent, def gettin there! Thanks for joining guys! WIP

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Did some General Sketch Practise on todays stream experimenting with a different technique! Thank you so much for joining guys and have a great weekend!! WIP

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Did some Witch Practise, inspired by a ref! WIP Thanks for joining the stream!

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Did a lot of messing around with this one on todays stream, think I'm finally starting to digg the head design though! Thanks for joining guys! WIP

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Tweaked our Marcus Underworld Study on todays stream! Comin along nicely, thanks for joining and your support! WIP

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Messed around with this fellow on todays stream! Thanks for joining and support!! WIP

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Yo guys tweaked this Sketch on todays stream! Idea 's comin along, thx for joining and support peoplez!! WIP

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Heyo, figured out basics for this Spaceship on todays stream! Thanks for joining and support peoplez WIP

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On todays stream I decided to make an Illustration out of this one instead a transparant bg! Thanks for joining and have a great weekend! WIP

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Yo guys, tweaked this older Sketch on todays stream! Probably gonna make a couple of versions of this one! Thanks for poppin by and support! WIP

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Did another Demon on todays stream! Thanks for joining and support as always! WIP

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Hillow, tweaked this Test Sketch on todays stream, getting there! WIP Thanks for joining!

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Hello guys, messed around with this one on todays stream! Thanks again for poppin by! WIP

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Decided to paint this one from the sym sketches on todays stream! Thanks again for joining and support, have a great weekend! WIP

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Yo peoplez, Painted a Spaceship this time from the sym practise Sketches! Thanks for joining the stream! WIP

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Painted another Symmetry Sketch on todays stream, some sort of Demonic Shield, thq again for poppin by and support! WIP

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