The dance of life,
a swirling flow
Ever-changing, come and go
Each step unique, a fleeting show
A journey that we all must know,,,

2 10

Felt inspired so I picked up my paintbrush today and got a little work in on this piece. Its been a month or so since ive worked on it last🎨
Untitled at the moment.
Acrylic paint on 16”x19” canvas

5 31

Thanks for this opportunity.

Here some of my last works. 🤍🙏🍄

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Art. Simple as that.

Feel free to share bellow your art also and retweet this. 🙏🤍

6 11

Let’s share art for the pleasure of it?

✅Just images (up to 4) or video
✅A bit text about yourself
✅Follow the ones you like

I’m a visionary artist that wants to spread meaningful messages with my art. 🙏🤍
And you? 👇👇👇

0 7

Open your hands to receive the gift of abundance.

5 23

Gm!✨heres a full view work in progress… “carving” out the details.
Taking in some coffee before i dive into this one 🫠
Untitled 🎨

6 24


Today not on of my sentences but rather a quote.

“There is a transcendental dimension beyond language... It's just hard as hell to talk about!”
― Terence McKenna

Have an awesome day! 🤍🙏

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Just submitted this piece to NFT ART contest.

Wish me luck! 🤞🍀


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Colors are part of my dreams and and art.

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