New Top post on r/furry: The Pilot by MetricVoidArt
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ViVi!! Or also known as either Unfortunate Scrunkle or Wonkulous Sponge.

Tried a new drawing style but not entirely sure if I want to keep it. ViVi is a great subject for grayscale coloring with my favorite color of purple.

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Merry Crustmas to Everyone in Starscape! (Even tho I'm a bit late) lookin forward to seeing another year of you guys :D

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yup. this looks like a colored sketch to you huh, tola?

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My first victim, sitting in front of me, how brave!

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hanging around with a bunch of fellow finnish demons at

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Chibi drawings of the Starscape peeps gen 1 and 2!!
also thanks to Cort for letting me join with his project this was a lot of fun😎👍

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Toradachiiii!! WE FINALLY FINISHED!! HERE ARE MY BEAUTIFUL AND COOL FRIENDS!! Thank you for being my victim—I mean friends!! 🥹🐯❄️

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Grimsucc Vacuumheart, brought to you by sleep deprivation and existentialism

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mess, maybe? i miss himmmm
art by @/damienvoidart heh

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Zakk!!! Thank you for being a very cozy yet chaotic friend! Despite all of your shockingly on point detective skills and utter chaos, I appreciate you a lot as a friend! Thank you for being friends with this white tiger!! I appreciate and ADORE you ☺️🐯❄️

1 10

Ich schiebe mal einen alten vernarbten Mann rüber, niemand ist überrascht :3
Eglain, stets zu Diensten. (Oh my, es ist sehr lang her... XD)
(vorletztes Bild @/novembeary, letztes @/damienvoidart)

(und mache 👀 @ arttrade, endlich wird alles wieder etwas ruhiger in Herbst <3)

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Ich liebe, liebe, LIEBE deine Karten so sehr und würde mich unheimlich über Tabris freuen, gerade wegen Misty 😍
Da ich dieses Jahr nichts im Oktober vorhabe, lass uns doch einen Arttrade machen, liebe Nor 💖 🥰
(Die beiden letzten Bilder sind von @/DamienVoidArt)

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"LOOK AT HIM!!"✨ (dont look at my pants)

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