Still no Plain Doll volk BJD, figma, figure, or anything of the sort, even when they've already reissued the Hunter figma, and had great success with the Lady Maria figma?

That's fine. The Doll needs more naps anyway.

37 388

Still no Pale Doll volk BJD, figma, figure, or anything of the sort, even when they've already reissued the Hunter figma, and had great success with the Lady Maria figma?

That's fine. The Doll needs more naps anyway.

1 14


2 8

Én de Watertoren op de Wageningse Berg💚 Hij stond al zolang op me te wachten..🤠 Best druk dáár met wandelaars & fietsers, aardig volk die wageningers.

0 3

From saving people by dragon tanking HMS stacks to carrying my team in Volk to getting my weeklies done with Morsayati... Thank you Mym🙏

214 472

Aus ihrer Heimat geflohen, muss Violet ihre wahre Natur verbergen, um zu überleben. Doch ausgerechnet der Mensch, der ihr Volk am meisten hasst, kommt ihr gefährlich nahe ... Lest jetzt die Leseprobe zu unserem Neustart »Die Tänzerin des Königs«!

4 37

Aus ihrer Heimat geflohen, muss Violet ihre wahre Natur verbergen, um zu überleben. Doch ausgerechnet der Mensch, der ihr Volk am meisten hasst, kommt ihr gefährlich nahe ...

»Die Tänzerin des Königs« ab 20.03.2023 überall wo es gute Manga gibt!

8 56

Faz muito tempo que n faço isso akdbk

Vamo lá! Pode me chamar de Volk, faço artes no tradicional (às vezes arrisco digital) na maioria de oc tanto meus quanto de alguns amgs
Quase nunca finalizados, mas as vezes milagres acontecem

28 95

Al even snel als de giraffomanie was gekomen, deemsterde ze weer weg. In 1829 stierven zowel de Weense als de Londense giraf, en ook Zarafa wist steeds minder volk te lokken. De hype was gaan liggen.

Althans, tot er in 1850 een nijlpaard geleverd werd in Londen, maar ... 8/9

0 3

No one knows, but Volk likes to look at his muscles in the bathroom.

Another amazing art by

97 434

Final batch of experimental sketches! For Mitsuke Volk on Facebook

0 4

Cast & directed voices for Dust: An Elysian Tail from 2011-12.

Voiced Durant, Joachim, Volk and narrated 2nd Anniversary Digest for Dragalia Lost between 2019 and 2021.

I cherish both, very deeply. Dragalia actually remains the only non-flash game to have had my voice in it!

58 385

And a timelapse, sorry about that Volk sketch in the beginning XD hahaha

0 1

"Wo sie das Volk meinen, da zählen die Frauen nicht mit“*

2023 hat begonnen – und mit dieser Zahl kommt ein neues Jubiläum: 175 Jahre Revolution von 1848 - inklusive neuer des AddF.

Wir beleuchten ein Jahr lang die Frauen von 1848 !

13 42

volk lhe entrego minha menina alex hihihi

0 1

Haven't kept up to date with this since the new job a few months back, but here are the next 4. Roxxi, Volk, Bili (casual) and Threema!

3 11

They’re in love!!!
Hart (baby) and their boyfriend/husband Volk( kid big boy)

2 2