This is how the students of the Abyss Hunter Academy obtain power.

Thanks to everyone for your support ❤️

35 178

Vora angst !!
Also first digital piece I have done in a while :))

25 72

Vora - Doce Morte

Uma ideia inspirada em um espirito de vingança, que desperta do "Grito silencioso" de crianças que sofreram algum tipo de crueldade, ela tem diversos simbolismos pelo corpo

14 53

Vora - Machado de Batalha

Inspirado em Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), titã martelo de guerra

Check this out e.e

2 8

Vora - Midnight Criminal

Ela tem umas tatuagens mesmo e.e

15 45

Vora - Yurei

Yurei are ghosts of Japanese folklore, ruined or spiritually dead, but not for our dear Vora.

0 4

Hello, this is the second part of my Vora redesign. This time, post-massacre. I wanted to make it similar but still different from the one I did before. I like the final result.

3 9

Vora, with Darkness/Corruption out of control (Venom style) 🤔🤔🤔

29 115

I do not have a PC now but my phone doesn't leave me, today Vora's trailer came out and I made this

33 192