川柳 「鶯の こだまに揺れる 藤の花」の画像化 (4/4)
The wisteria flowers are swaying with the singing echo of the green bush warblers.

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Black-throated Green Warblers have arrived in Houston. Only a few more weeks before the big push comes through.

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もしティアキンにリト族の新キャラが出るとしたら、名前は「ガラ」「ムネ」「モト (手羽元から)」とかかなぁ…と、精肉店の鶏肉コーナー見て思った🐦

A new Rito character I imagine.Motifs are bush warblers and sparrows.

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and my second drawing! i use a random generator to help pick a bird. my second one was a common grasshopper warbler (Locustella naevia). native to europe and the palearctic, grasshopper warblers are often found in dense brush close to water!

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Chestnut-sided warblers

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LMAO the Glee brainworms hit me hard, drew someone (maybe me idk) in the warblers uniform (:

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Angst warblers are small birds native to the Plane of Shadow with breasts that give off an eerie turquoise glow, making them one of the only sources of color within the otherwise grey and gloomy plane. Though their appearance can be alluring, their song is repellant.

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I was going off of the yellow birds from this graphic of common birds in my area. I've definitely seen warblers (#19) as well, but the ones in my photo look closer to the goldfinch image I think? My orioles look so much more yellow than the ones in this graphic though, so 🤷🏻‍♀️

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"So what kind of habitat do migrating need? Complexity seems to be the key." 🪺
TODAY on 3⃣ great ways to discover how complexity improves the habitats of migrating birds

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Did you listen to Usually begins with blackbirds, robins & thrushes then joined by woodpigeons, wrens & warblers.
Lithographs from John Gould's 'Birds of Great Britain', 1873 in our

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Season 2 of the is here! Tune in to Episode 1, "The Year in Birds: Canadian bird and birding highlights from 2021" featuring guests & : https://t.co/34D7IqLNgt

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In one of our favourite episodes of 2021, Ojibwe Knowledge Keeper Joseph Pitawanakwat joined us to talk about how birds are named in Ojibwe and some of the teachings and gifts they share with us. If you missed it - check it out! https://t.co/tlO8A8WIdg

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What do seabirds do when they're at sea, far away from our curious eyes? What are their love lives like? And which species are considered "seabirds"? Explore these questions & more with Dr. Sarah Gutowsky on the https://t.co/7DcXha2Ekj

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Dreaming of travel? How about a flight from the High Arctic to Peru? Learn about the epic migration of Sabine's Gull in this minisode! https://t.co/mmYwPaoFRV

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Just got a new bird feeder? Wondering what to put in it, where to put it, how to maintain it? Kerrie Wilcox answers your questions & shares how to maximize the benefits of bird feeding - for the birds, and for your enjoyment, on The https://t.co/eLIU2Ps4Aa

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Celebrate the holidays with birds & warm beverages! Our gift to you is a special 2-episode series of The exploring connections between coffee & conservation. Listen & find out how you can help birds as you sip: https://t.co/gApexy1l7Q

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Celebrate the holidays with birds & beverages! Our gift to you is a special 2-episode series of The exploring coffee & conservation. Listen & find out how you can help birds as you sip.

2nd episode drops Friday, Dec. 10!


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Enjoy a song from the Warblers Nest 🎶

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Spurn Warblers card collection: thanks to
& Chris Gaughan we are selling a pack of nine cards, with designs from Spurn Wildlife report featured artists Tony Disley, Alan Harris & Richard Johnson: https://t.co/vC6uLd4Vrw

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Early November many years ago I got to see 4 Pallas's Warblers in a day in Cork, it has remained a favourite species ever since. Although I haven't seen another in Ireland, I have been fortunate to see countless 100's or even 1000's in Asia since.

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