This month's edition of Robin Hood Army webcomics is out!
To join the Robin Hood Army () or donate surplus food, WhatsApp them at +91 89719 66164 or sign up at

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This month's edition of Robin Hood Army webcomics is out!
To join the Robin Hood Army or donate surplus food, WhatsApp them at +91 89719 66164 or sign up at

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Who can blame this little guy for eating too much? After all, he was on a life-changing mission! (Do you remember what he ate on Friday?)

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After painting this autumn piece I still have some paint on the palette...what shall I paint now?

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We love this graphic! Its from a 1951 poster encouraging colleagues to reduce waste by using the right paper bag for the job - there was even a special chart to help select the right size!

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Artwork for "Wast Not, Want Not" supermarket and factory production waste reduction campaign.

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