Nice ‘Siegfried’ Rover!

(Painting of the Watersplash at Langthwaite)

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My high-speed abstract waterdrops photography collection: "LiquidVerse"
•Edition 1/1
•0.10~0.20 $ETH
Links in my bio 👆

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Watersplash Unicorn Assassin, sadly still in production ☺️😉

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A close up of the Watersplash Unicorn Assassin... making progress on her and enjoying every minute of it... She's gonna get fancy af 😏

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Gm everybody, as usual sipping my ☕️☕️☕️ and working. I feel fancy today so I started something that comes straight from my mood. The "Watersplash unicorn assassin" is in production 😂😂

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WaterSplash Foxy (His name is a w.i.p. but its for an idea i have.. stay tuned!)

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