It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

'The Song of Wandering Aengus'


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"Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry." - William Butler Yeats

17 15

"Take, if you must, this little bag of dreams;
Unloose the cord, and they will wrap you round."

- Fergus & The Druid


2 10

"ALL the words that I utter,
And all the words that I write,
Must spread out their wings untiring,
And never rest in their flight,"

“Where My Books Go" (1865-1939)

🖼️via ElectricLit

3 18

I will find out where she has gone,
& kiss her lips & take her hands;
& walk among long dappled grass,
& pluck till time & times are done,

'The Song of Wandering Aengus': born 1865 🌟

🖼️'Boreas',1903:#JWWaterhouse: WikiArt

5 18

This morning's virtual tour of the Life and Works of is booked up - but never fear, you can still explore the exhibition in your own time, available online here:

15 32

Se avessi il drappo ricamato del cielo,intessuto dell’oro e dell’argento e della luce,
i drappi dai colori chiari e scuri del giorno e della notte dai mezzi colori dell’alba e del tramonto,
stenderei quei drappi sotto i tuoi piedi...WBYeats 📷gori

6 12

“I am certain that the water, the water of the seas and of lakes and of mist and rain, has all but made the after its image. Images form themselves in our minds perpetually as if they were reflected in some pool.“ -

Image: Amelia Jane Murray

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“We gave ourselves up in old times to and saw the Gods everywhere. We talked to them face to face, and the stories of that communion are so many they outnumber all the like stories of all the rest of Europe.” -

Image: Arthur John Black

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'Dust Settles", for an upcoming group exhibition inspired by the WB Yeats poem 1919 with .gallery July 18th 2019

1 6

Yesterday, I saw this real & striking portrait happy 150 th birthday

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