dark iron/wildhammer dwarf relationship dynamic https://t.co/YNzpB2lBUh

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Skadala Flintloch! Paladin of the skys! A Wildhammer lady!

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Wildhammer dwarf! Attempting to maintain my style and still make it look more painted.

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My new Wildhammer Dwarf, Shaibhen Moltenstrike

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For those have that sudden urge to roll a Wildhammer Dragon Rider, I gotcha covered!

Available in Cloth, Leather, Mail and Plate variants (with lots of Cosmetics!)

We just need HD simple goggles now! https://t.co/pkPmxrtm1K

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Added Gryphon feathers to the bottom to represent Wildhammer Dwarves so all 3 clans are represented AND Jen is a Wildhammer so I like to think they are feathers that were given to Dorf by Jenatonic

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Dwartun Brassbeard - 's ! He's a pleasure to work with and I enjoyed drawing this piece. 😊 Thank you for commissioning me!

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FF Gshade works pretty well in wow, my wildhammer shaman looks sick!

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I thought I commented but I didn't Thank you for the opportunity!! Here is my wildhammer Aigrna!

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Piece for , her Wildhammer Shaman, Daviya~! That one's very sparkly :D

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Barnabas Babblebrook, my wildhammer shaman that I never play. Partly because I've already got Wretch and Alb but also due to how they did N'Zoth a dirty.

Still not drawing much if at all, slowly slowly.

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Even for classes within the same armor types can use a combo of different set pieces to play off a certain role

Are these Shaman lookalike Wildhammer mages? Priests? Why not Warlocks?

Impossible to tell from CS alone. Once the Fel-Fire/ice storm/Holy magic starts then we know!

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This week’s stream art! Wildhammer dwarf, because somehow normal dwarves were not Scottish enough??

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Wildhammer last week, Dark Iron this week! This monk likes to spelunk!

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I made a Wildhammer to practice dorf proportions.

I don't know who this lady is, but she has pockets in her dress so hatchlings can sleep in them.

I know it's not the best art, but does anyone want her? I have too many toons and this feels like the start of a decent-ish idea.

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A moment of relax on the Thunderstrike Mountain (Twilight Highlands)! 🌄
Durona, Wildhammer Dwarf, playing the lute for her gryphon Maesy and little Moria. 🧡
Commission for the sweet !

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A thank you to Garrick who commissioned his wildhammer dwarf!

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