Today is my lovable Jade’s birthday! Happy birthday you stubborn goon~
Art by Anik8tion!

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Oh and this is the queen from that novel... Hm... The last two characters have had strange designs... not quite human, right? I wonder what they could be...

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Remember the other day I shared a picture of the MC for my novel, Here's anther character from that novel. He's cool. And definitely not leading a rebel force to usurp the queen.

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The [???] species. Elusive and recluse, the [???] people live [???????????] and primarily eat fish and insects in for their diet. The frills on their back and tails are used to [?????? ???????].
I love these guys

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A self-indulgent doodle of some of my characters drinking tea. Enjoy them all carefully cooling the tea off while Dagmey just swallows all of it whole
Characters: Jade, Dox, Aris, Dagmey

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