If a person is not trustworthy, then it’s probably best to not trust them.

Evening on the Willamette art print -- https://t.co/ihmphShUD0

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“Why do good times have to end?” “So that new ones have a chance to begin. Don’t look back and mourn; walk forward to the next adventure.”

On the Beach shower curtain -- https://t.co/xLQj2AEGeo

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Today's 10-second blog read (this one could be 12 seconds) -- Individual Choices Make the Difference -- https://t.co/Vxinw4rMDz

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Be wary of convenience: it’s a mousetrap. From the mouse’s point of view, that cheese is a steal. Passage, art print -- https://t.co/qEpiPFj5xx

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Character is not something we pick up at a seminar or by filling out a workbook. It develops through our lifetime as we act upon what we believe. Three Eagles art print -- https://t.co/oVWap8KxSu

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Who owns the "news" media that you watch/read? That entity, corporation, or person is the one who controls content. In the world of profits and propaganda, truth doesn't factor into the algorithm. Hidden Path, framed art -- https://t.co/MXKJ4FFPtd

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The nature of free speech is such that somehow, sometime, you will offend someone. When that someone is the government, free speech is regulated into “sanctioned, appropriate speech.” Rumination, jigsaw puzzle -- https://t.co/Xo75Iye8pb

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It is your body. It is your mind. They are precious resources, belonging exclusively to you, and what you put in them is your decision. Turn off the voices of fear. Smooth Moves, metal art print -- https://t.co/HhC057trms

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Fear is a disease, one that cannot be alleviated by pill or injection. It is conquered by identifying the fear, facing it, and determining the actions needed to disable it. Questioning is key to the cure. Model Thinker, sticker -- https://t.co/Wb4zt0K5fi

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