As he reached for her hand, she gave him a mighty shove
tumbling backwards, he fell into the great abyss
falling through the darkness without a sound,
wondering one last time, if she had ever truly loved him…

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Pre-bed coloring of a slightly older piece…should be able to finish it tomorrow…

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Re-concepting…last time I drew this was a couple years ago…I’ve enlisted him into my Worlds Apart because I need his help…

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I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what else to add, to finally settle on simplicity with a silhouette of my character standing in the gateway…😅

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Been having difficulty getting what I see in my head down…maybe I just need to push forward and come back to this when needed…

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Still not completely happy with it…all I really did was replace my dislikes with new dislikes…but I’m calling it finished…

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The tragedy of my insanity
the darkness that forms within
this monstrosity that embraces me
as I march onwards to my end

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I really had no clue what to do with this newest Worlds Apart piece…probably because I’m so exhausted

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