

46 133

Tifa Fanart
Did this on my free time
WIP and still thinking what rendering style I should go for the final result.

Base on WOTV Tifa

49 401

I'm so happy about how this came out lol PH x WOTV: FFBE I love the artwork in the game Oz is my favorite one of these lol

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1 day left until the day of the third anniversary!

9 71

Square Enix email banner for the FFVII Remake collab is bomb AF
This art style *chefs kiss*👌💗

30 161

Defy the world with UR Sephiroth, the One-Winged Angel, as he makes his way to

His Limit Burst, Octaslash, removes Courage/Reraise from targets within range, then deals a large amount of damage with Guaranteed Hit, and lowers his own AP consumption for three turns.

30 196

를 향해 발길을 옮기는 한쪽 날개의 천사, UR '세피로스'와 함께 세계를 무찌르세요!

그의 리미트 버스트 '팔도일섬'은 범위 내 대상의 근성/리레이즈를 해제하고, 반드시 명중하는 대량의 피해를 입히며, 3턴 동안 자신의 소비 AP를 감소시킵니다.

7 10

3 days left until the day of the third anniversary!

19 139

4 days left until the day of the third anniversary!

24 145

5 days left until the day of the third anniversary!

26 176

출시 3주년까지 앞으로 5일 남았습니다!

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Made this for the 3rd Anniversary Stream. Wasn't selected/shown but still really happy with how this turned out. My fav team comp to run even if it's not as competitive.

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Started during Nier collab. Pulled 2B & she's carried me since. After Tifa & Jeume dropped they completed my fav comp: the Wind Sisters. Also the fact that voices both 2B & Jeume makes this team even more perfect! Drew this for 3rd anniversary

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7 days left until the day of the third anniversary!

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今まで頑張った甲斐があったと実感するわ (*´∀`)~♥


11 83

Some of my favourite Vision Card illustrations from WotV FFBE

2 14

While this is a predictable outcome since we got to see Sadali as a cunning mage BEFORE we got to see his sad backstory, this meme is still accurate anyway

1 5


但強力武器拿起來果然就是不一樣 !!!
辛苦都值得了 (*´∀`)~♥


3 23