Vet Visit 🐭🏳️‍🌈🐍

Hard to know if Evan needed to go to the doctor or the vet 🐁

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Hypno Eyes 🐭🏳️‍🌈🐍

We are back for the first of February. Conner is trying to help Evan control his shapeshifting abilities but not sure if his plan is working.

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When your boyfriend is warm blooded 🐭❤️🐍

Happy Holidays!

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You can check out my comic in the link, it involves two shapeshifters in an ace relationship. I hope to have a new comic released later this 🖤🐭🤍💜

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Currently working on these comics and hope to have them done later this year, in the meantime you can read them here:

Would've Bit You 🐭🏳️‍🌈🐍

Lifesaver 🦕🎈

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Currently on break but will be updating later this year is my ace romance comic about two shapeshifters in high school. Tagging another ace creator with a comic.

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After this next round of cons I will be finishing the next season of full scripts are done, just need to finish the pages. After the next set of comics & wanted to know what type of comics you readers are hoping to see in the future? Poll below.

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Happy but how about a weremouse? comic I will try to have back after AnthroCon but in the meantime you can also see all past pages on Webtoon 🐁

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So apparently it was my shapeshifter romance comic is now on Webtoon for those who want to catch up before I begin the next story arc.


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Happy everyone! comic is on break as I focus on the weekly conventions I am vending at, stayed tuned for updates. In the meantime the print updated pages will be uploaded to Webtoon 🐭🧬

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My comic is now on ! 🐭🏳️‍🌈🐍 The previous comics will be uploaded on MWF until they have caught up. The comic is on a break for cons, you can find physical copies at Table 146 at this week.

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Happy I just got back from another con so didn't have time to do a new comic for today so here's a finished version of an earlier sketch I haven't posted yet. 🐭🏳️‍🌈🐍

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I got this cute commission from talented art friend look out cute Evan and Conner look!

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