➡️⚙️🧩KPO znów przyspiesza.
📌36 mld euro dla Polski w tym tygodniu?
14 03 2022
RT: ➡️https://t.co/CVnDUSjvkX

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Polski Krajowy Plan Strategiczny, 2023-2027 nie jest tak radykalny, jeśli chodzi o ograniczenia wynikające wprost z
➡️redukcja ś.o.r. 3-7%
➡️zużycie nawozów mniej o kilkanaście %
➡️ekologia – poziom 7%


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💚🌼Konferencja "Znaczenie pasów kwietnych w rolnictwie" za nami
Kto na tym zarobi ?
➡️poświęcona była kwestiom związanym z choć nie brakowało także zagadnień ekologicznych.


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Last 4 editions of Tsunami of Color are available here:
Thank you for getting that hot piece: .tez ...wpR66

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This project will be the first installment of a series called “Sight and Sound”. These will be short simplistic games where you explore a map in order to collect music.

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¡Anunciamos las promos del Players Reward (WPR2020) y los GPs de de 2021! ¡La semana que viene habrá un artículo en FowSystem España explicando cómo y cuándo conseguirlas!

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履歴書はたくやさん→ に無償で書いて頂きました!ほんとに感謝です(๑ ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ^ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ๑) 

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As I rapidly approach the release date of this game, I’ve decided to prioritize crucial aspects of it before bonus features. Next week I’ll work on endgame content.

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Between Magic_Can and Hiero_Historian, I’ve written more than 10,000 words so far. I’ve also started working towards releasing a demo for this game with the content I’ve done so far.

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All of the image website assets are done! This means I can start the soundtrack and script by Wednesday of next week! Next week is where the fun truly begins!

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this drawing was Supposed 2 be for Gerards Birthday Week but both Twitter & My Computer broke the 2 Times i Tried to post it asdfasd So. the idea behind it was "what if Gerard adopted the umbrella academy kids Instead of Reginald" and i think theyd make a Happier Family

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P3WPr5Q0Q06L9uH2LQvW4tk_ yumaさんちの遊女お妙さん   

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Y3WPr5Q0Q06L9uH2LQvW4tlj やっぱ無理…アイビスじゃないと上手く描けないよ…orz

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V3WPr5Q0Q06L9uH2LQvW4tlX マイクラ ルナ「私はもうヒトじゃない。」下。涙を流すルナ。完全な人でもなく、エンドの民にもなりきれない自分に苦しんでいる様子を描きたかった。波に見えるかな?

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O3WPr5Q0Q06L9uH2LQvW4tk7 マイクラ過去編晒し オリキャラ 「ルナ」相変わらずえちゃんで描くと低クオリティが・・・目立つ!でも、可愛いと言って下さったみーヌ様有難うございました!

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w3WPr5Q0Q06L9uH2LQvW4tnD マイクラ 海とカモメとスティーブと。中央の変な化物はイカちゃんです・・・見えないですよね、ハイ(涙)本当はこっちを斜めに見るセーラースティーブの予定でした。

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