The Blight "Invasive Species" and David "Night on the Town" cosmetics will available in the shop after the Mid-Chapter release!

2 26

Norco is brilliant. Really enjoying my time with it so far. The writing is superb. The art direction is amazing. Everything about the game just works.
Cannot wait to see how it all ends.

9 72

実在する斑鳩は一説に和名のカノコバト(鹿の子鳩)を指す説 何故 班目でない鳩にこの名がついたのかは 明確されておらず 聖徳太子が法隆寺を建てた「いかるが」地の当て字等もあり ゲーム内演出で梵字表示にもこの影響があるのかしら?

0 2

happy thanksgiving PSO Nation ❤️‍🔥 hope you all enjoy time with your families

7 53