
4 30

Ohaaa~ sebenernya hari ini xiel nyiapin sesuatu .. tp untuk menghormati orang yang sedang puasa kykny xiel undur dulu buat di post, jd mungkin nti pas udah kelar puasanya baru xiel post yahhh :D di tungguu yahhh~ :D

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New OC, he is a Mega Mewtwo X and his name is Xiel
He will crush every bone in your hand if you pet him

12 69

tachehh~ heppi valentine, nanti malem sama xiell yahhh di kamarrhh huwuwhh xiel kasi coklad :3

14 Feb 2023 - 7PM GMT+7
💜 https://t.co/TmoWUc2JOO

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Jangan lupa nanti malem Sleep call sama xiel jem 7PM :3 , waiting room otw yaaww :3

p.s ini pertama kaliny berhasil gmbr chibi T=T huuhuuu

2 11

Thank you yg udah mampir dan stay, maap xiel td ga ngomong yahhh, lagi silent drawing ?=< byar fokus gambar EHE
btw this is Madeline plis tutup tanteehh tutupphhh >-<


1 8

POV : selfie sebelum Drunk valorant :>
don't forgor to come to xiel's stream~

with da power of huwuwh the stream will start in 20 minutes~ : https://t.co/i0MfYAFBol

1 19

Kalian dah pada mandi?, Xiel lg maw mandii, mo Manbar? xD wwww
jgn lupa bis mandi ke stream xiel jam 7PM yah :>

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The Red Oxen are a group of Xiel's discarded machines and Horror, reactivated with the purpose of taking him down.

0 6

thank you yg udh visitting and mampiring ~
Thank you jg yg udah submit png d tweet sblmnya xiel~ nanti xiel lanjut drawing stream selanjutnya :D OTSUUUUU~~
ps. mizu km ko tepod T-T https://t.co/wz184XhCkQ

1 15

Hayynarddd :D mi nem is xiel xD ehek

0 5

Hayy teman2 ku yg tercintah, DROP YOUR PNG di komen xD AKWOAKWO nti xiel dudel dudel di stream :3 onegaiii shimasuuuu~ uwuh
ini adalah ancaman !! be afraiddd ~!!

0 21

🐹 : Want to go to prom with me ?
💜 : sure 😳
jedwarrr~ *xiel nginjek kaki hyo 999x tp pose aja dlu xD

art by @/yaku atau aul (FB)

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Tadaaiimaaa~ eh om.... jgn om, maw ngapain om... jangan buka2 mulutnya xiel :<

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Kalo xiel jual stiker ato ganci bakal ad yg beli ga yah :')
Yg gmbr mamah ains uwuh
Ad yg maw bawa xiel pulang? 😢

0 31

Xiel Rin splash art animation
Background 1 & Animation by me
Illust & Bg 2 @/kyra_qill or @/Leonix (FB)

4 9

"Hai Cantik~ mau jalan sm om ? " beuhhhh >///< xiel ganteng bangettt

1 21

Xiel hari ini istirahat duluu yahh, ga lanjut donoton mwahhh :*

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