Un art trade que hice con el capo de
(Vallan a seguirlo 😉), él dibujo a la Cane y yo dibuje a su lindo OC llamada Xiuhcoatl.

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From left to right, the godly inspiration was:
The god Cizin (hunters/death), the god Bolon Tzakb (seeds/thunder), the goddess Ixtab (suicide, lol), and the ever-stylish Jaguar Warrior (with clawed armor).

yes, that Jaguar Warrior is holding a futuristic FX-05 Xiuhcoatl. :)

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This also doesn't even make sense FOR a Latam region: Quetzalcoatl's (left) associations were primarily to intellectualism (song, music, poetry) and wind, or the dualism of the heavens/earth, rarely water; but not fire.

Xiuhcoatl (right) is the Aztec mythological fire serpent.

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He creado una pequeña (efectivamente, el arma de ) para usarla como mi nuevo logo/marca de agua.
Soy principiante en esto, pero me gustó el resultado. 🤧✨ Para los colores me tomé libertades creativas.✌

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Here are the four brothers, Xipe Totec, Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli and Quetzalcóatl. All original designs created for my personal project Xiuhcoatl:Awakening.

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Amigos! Les comparto el cuarto Tezcatlipoca (azul) Huitzilopochtli, para mi proyecto Xiuhcoatl: Awakening (Iza/Despertar) saludos!

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And here it is my gamers. Mallory in their sixth form! A LOT has changed! I am personally feeling a lot more comfortable with this one and hopefully it will last a bit longer!
Ref has been made by @.Xiuhcoatl12
(Lets hope Twitter wont butcher this image!)

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... "Koatl el Defensor" diría que fue la versión más trabajada de la fórmula de Xiuhcoatl, es un cómic de superhéroes pero tiene un Lore más mexicano y está más informado en conceptos para adaptarlos a un héroe que es visualmente más original

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“Huitzil” my latest piece depicting Huitzilopochtli and Itzmin, the main character of my project Xiuhcoatl: Awakening.

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Huitzil & Ocelotl character design for my project Xiuhcoatl: Awakening

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This is another lighting and shading practice. This is also a fanart of @/Xiuhcoatl12 It was really nice using cold tones this time.

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Concepto oficial de Itzmin personaje principal de Xiuhcoatl: Awakening. Esta es la vestimenta Mictlan, usada por guerreros que entran vivos a las tierras de Mictlantecuhtli.

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And here's an alternative color scheme with turquoise instead of green, both to make it look less Grass-type-ish and as a nod to Xiuhcoatl, the fiery "turquoise serpent" from Aztec mythology.

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Concepto oficial de Itzmin personaje principal de Xiuhcoatl: Awakening. Esta es la versión Huitzil, usada por campeones de Huitzilopochtli.

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Here’s a study I did on the main character for a personal project, Xiuhcoatl: Awakening.

The studies reflect upgrades on armor as Itzmin levels up. This is his Mexica Eagle armor.

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Huitzilopochtli. The Blue Hummingbird, The Left Handed, The Divine Hurler, Symbol of unwavering will, God of War, Wielder of the Xiuhcoatl.

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In Aztec myth Xiuhcoatl was a great serpent who was the spirit form of the fire god Xiuhtecuhtli.

Xiuhcoatl was often wielded as a weapon by other gods such as God of War Huitzilopochtli and Sun God Tonatiuh.

It’s not clear if he got any say in this.

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El arma más poderosa de todos los señores la serpiente de fuego

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