The Fairy Godfather. He'll grant you a wish you can't refuse! Coloured up from a sketch I did a while ago. Stuck up some other sketches too. Should do a version more inspired by Michael D.

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Trying to work on my values, colour and light, composition... everything really. Here's another small piece.

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Ben from Umbrella Academy. Finished season 2 last night. Hope they make another series.

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Orc with a spork. Tomorrow, troll with a bowl 😜

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Unicorn Girl. Been doing a screen skills Ireland course in IP development for animation. Together the class developed a story about a unicorn girl. It's been really interesting and insightful.

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Don't know much about Sailor Moon but jumping on the bandwagon 😋

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Wolverine doodle while watching Logan again.

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Just finished Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts on Netflix. Really enjoyable adventure. Here's some fan art 🙂

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Adrian Velba from Last Man with some added action thumbnails. Still one of my favorite comics in the last few years. Can’t wait till the next few books come out in English.

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Protest:Catalonia. Tough week professionally and personally. Neck and shoulders knotted tight with stress and anxiety. So trying to get back on the social media bandwagon to take my mind off things.

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My first attempt at a draw this in your own style challenge. Went with a challenge by someone I know. The extremely talented and very lovely Melissa Malone.

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Jogger. Lunchtime doodle I coloured up quickly when I got home.

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Tuesday Turtle. Loving the new turtles show so here’s a quick one this evening.

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My Mad Hatter for the character design challenge theme “Alice in Wonderland”. Experimented with texture and rendering. Came out kinda Skottie Young-ish with isn’t a bad thing at all.

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