Christian Adams
The Evening Standard
London, UK, February 10, 2023

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Christian Adams
Political cartoonist for London Evening Standard:

🔸 'Zelenskiy’s Visit to the UK,' 9 Feb 2023. Christian Adams, Evening Standard.

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Christian Adams on Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s visit to the UK - political cartoon gallery in London

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Magnífico detalle ese descabalgado de la atestada versión de 'Napoleón cruzando los Alpes' de Jacques-Louis David que ha llevado a la de

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suma un "bajo-la-bota" a la medida de esas tribus [sobre todo políticas] que practican el todo por el atechado
+ y Ferreres

➕#humor reciente

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A former actor/comedian stared down two dictators: (1) an ex-KGB spy (2) an NYC conman. As President, Zelensky is inspiring his people to fight the 2nd most powerful military in the world. Give it up for Volodymyr Zelensky.

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