wonwee bbl💭さんのプロフィール画像

wonwee bbl💭さんのイラストまとめ

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GK💙💭 [230328] profile update:


46 157

[230320] CY💙💭 9:20 pm

나 지금 울고 있어…
I’m crying right now..


기억세탁소 음원사이트 댓글 봤는데
I saw a comment under ‘Eraser’ on a music site

많이 슬프네
It’s very sad

행복하셨으면 좋겠다
I hope you‘re happy

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CY💙💭 [230128] 6:30 pm

노래 어때여!!!
How’s the soong?!!!


6:35 pm

Thank youuuu💙💙💙

나즁에 스튜위로 베이스 더 키우고
쳐서 보여줄게유😘

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CY💙💭 11:02 pm

으악 집에만 있으니깐 잠만 잔다
Aack since I'm only at home, I’m just sleeping

안돼애애애애애 내 아침형
I caaaan’t I’m a morning person now


사진 투척!!


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CY💙💭 9:38 pm

내가 선물이라고 하면
If I say I’m the gift,

집 나갈 것 같은뎅…?
I think I'll be kicked out of the house...?



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CY💙💭 [221220] 12:22 am

잘하구 올겡💙💙
I’ll do my best~💙💙


점심어택도 있구 행복하고 알찬 12월이다
There’s also the ‘Lunch Attack’, it’s a happy and fruitful December https://t.co/6kFuMxiQ3j

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CY💙💭 [221214] 1:55 pm


요즘 블루파드한테 넘 소홀했따
I haven't been paying attention to Bluepard lately


줄도 교체하고 세팅 받는 중
so I'm changing the strings and setting it up

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CY💙💭 8:46 am

I just woke up and I also ate 💙🐻‍❄️
자고 일어났어요 밥도 먹었구💙🐻‍❄️

10:35 am

I ate tteokbokki..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ😘
밥은 떡볶이..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ😘

and now,
그리고 지금



무조건 얼죽아 이기욱
unconditionally an ‘Iced Americano even if I freeze to death’, Lee Giuk

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CY💙💭 10:55 pm

I’m totally a dduk-ddak boy.. (doing something fastly)
뚝딱보이야 나 완전..


Hype Boy is really coming soon, but don’t anticipate it a lot
just anticipate it for a little bit, WEVEs🐻‍❄️

진짜 하입보이 곧이다 기대 많이 아니
기대 조금 하구 있어 위브덜🐻‍❄️

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CY💙💭 1:08 am

내가 꼭 데려가야지 현구형 용훈이형!!
I’ll make sure to bring here Hyungu hyung and Yonghoon-ie hyung!!


언능 집 들어가야겠따 이제
I should go home now

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