wonwee bbl💭さんのプロフィール画像

wonwee bbl💭さんのイラストまとめ

원위 버블 @official_onewe bubble archive | kr • eng | KST | telegram channel on 📌 | thread per day | default app translation; pls read pinned

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CY💙💭 [220826] 8:52 pm


날씨가 이제 기분 좋은 선선한 날씨다🤤
the weather is nice and cool now 🤤


이번에는 퍼키곡을 해봤어유 니곡내곡🐹
I tried Purki’s song this time for “your song, my song”🐹

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CY💙💭 2:41 pm

오늘은 11시 기상!🐹
Today, I woke up at 11 o'clock!🐹

지금 동명이형이랑 친구 녹음실 녹음하러 가는 중!!
now I’m on my way with Dongmyeongie-hyung to record at my friend’s studio!!


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CY💙💭 9:27 pm


기욱카 도
It’s Giuk-a, too



웃으면 복이 들어와유
If you smile, good luck comes in

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CY💙💭 10:41 pm

왜 이모티콘에는 기타 이모티콘만 있구
베이스기타 이모티콘은 없을까요🥲

Why are there only guitar emoticons in emoticons?
Is there any bass guitar emoticon?🥲


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CY💙💭 9:26 pm

으악 안돼 내일이니깐 봐줘요!!
*uak* No! It's tomorrow, so let it slide!!

나 끌려가…..🥲
I'm being dragged…..🥲


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CY💙💭 8:59 pm


안녕하세요 위브 기욱입니당
Hello, I’m WEVE Giuk


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CY💙💭 9:23 pm

타고 가면서 베로니카의 섬 진짜 오랜만에
It’s really been a while since I listen to Veronica while on my way

듣고 있는데 좋다
I'm listening to it, it's nice

참 잘 썼다……
It was very well written....


나 칭찬해쥬셈
Please compliment me

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CY💙💭 1:33 am

이제 밥먹구.. 작업 좀 하구 들어가야징!!
I'm going to eat now.. I’m going to work on something and go in!!


다시 밤낮이 바뀌겠다..
My day and night will change again...

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CY💙💭 [220802] 3:51 pm

원위 톡방 안본사람이
ONEWE's chat room persons who haven't seen yet (unseen count)

이제 2라고 뜬다..ㅠㅠ
It says 2 now.. ㅠㅠ

건강하게 잘 다녀왔으면 우리 형💙
I hope you will be back in good health, our dear hyung💙


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CY💙💭 [220731] 9:48 pm


우리 형 진짜 잘 생겼다..
ou dear hyung is really handsome...



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