wonwee bbl💭さんのプロフィール画像

wonwee bbl💭さんのイラストまとめ

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CY💙💭 [221024] 12:06 am

콩나물 닭갈비!💙
Dakgalbi with bean sprouts!💙

it’s delicious~


용훈이형 생각나네..
It reminds me of Yonghoon hyung.. https://t.co/ybOTcreoGJ

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CY💙💭 [221008] 9:02 pm


대박 울고싶따
Daebak, I want to cry

우리 노래를 틀어주시다니
I can't believe they played our song

ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m touched

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CY💙💭 [220925] 7:16 pm


오늘도 가위눌렸어유.. 용훈이형 침대에서 자다가
I had sleep paralysis again today.. I slept on Yonghoon hyung’s bed

형들 방 무서워 ㄷㄷ
Hyungs’ room is scary ㄷㄷ


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CY💙💭 [220924] 12:06 am

기어이 또 내가 왔따!
I’m Still Here!


어우 이제야 속 시원하넹
owoo I feel relieved now

ㄱㅇㅇ ㄸ = 기욱이 또
ㄱㅇㅇ ㄸ = Giukie once again https://t.co/4qWBW7CNJW

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CY💙💭 11:26 pm

I’m relieved

그서인 좋은 도전이였어요😆💙
GSI was a good challenge😆💙


만약 다음 서바이벌이 있으면 다 냠냠할 듯
If there's another survival, I think it’ll be yummy(?)

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CY💙💭 9:56 pm

엄마가 손 빨래 해줬어유..흑🥺😘
My mom hand-washed it for me..huk🥺😘


그러고 같이 그서인 보는 중
And we’re watching GSI together

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CY💙💭 10:14 pm

인화해서 들고 다녀두 되지 당연히!!!😏
Of course you can print it out and carry it around!!!😏


근데 좀 부끄럽넹ㅎ
But I'm a little embarrassed h

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CY💙💭 4:28 pm


아 근데 있쟈나
Ah but there’s this thing


“너네가 해봐” 이거 우리 아니에여……….

at the GSI

“You guys try it” this isn't us……….

우리 그런 말 한 적 없쒀…………
We never said that…………

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CY💙💭 3:23 pm



이쯤되면 거의 헤드셋과 한몸!

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CY💙💭 1:38 am

오늘도 사랑행성 꿀잠 자요 다들😘😘😘

For today as well, saranghaengsong. Have a sweet sleep everyone😘😘😘

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