

"Did you ever stop to think and forget to start again?" Celebrating words written, or inspired by, the much-loved author and playwright. Instagram: @a_amilne

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Pooh and Piglet walked home thoughtfully together in the golden evening, and for a long time they were silent. ~A.A.Milne

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Between the woods the afternoon
Is fallen in a golden swoon
The sun looks down from quiet skies
And silent trees stoop down to trees
And there I saw a white swan make
Another white swan in the lake
And breast to breast both motionless
They waited for the wind’s caress A.A.Milne

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It’s a very funny thought that, if Bears were Bees,
They’d build their nests at the BOTTOM of trees.
And that being so (if the Bees were Bears),
We shouldn’t have to climb up all these stairs.

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Eeyore came close to Pooh, and said in a loud whisper: “Could you ask your friend to do his exercises somewhere else? I shall be having lunch directly, and don’t want it bounced on before I begin. A trifling matter, and fussy of me, but we all have our little ways.” ~A.A.Milne

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"Tigger is all right, really," said Piglet lazily.
"Of course he is," said Christopher Robin.
"Everybody is really," said Pooh. "That's what I think, but I don't suppose I'm right," he said.
"Of course you are," said Christopher Robin. ~A.A.Milne

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“Well done, Pooh,” said Rabbit kindly. “That was a good idea of ours.”
“What was?” asked Eeyore.
“Hooshing you to the bank like that.”
“HOOSHING me?” said Eeyore in surprise. “You didn’t think I was HOOSHED, did you? Pooh dropped a stone on me, and I dived.” ~A.A.Milne

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Halfway down the stairs
Is the stair
Where I sit.
There isn’t any
Other stair
Quite like
I’m not at the bottom,
I’m not at the top;
So this is the stair
I always

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There was a crash, and a tearing noise, and a confused heap of everybody on the ground.
Christopher Robin and Pooh and Piglet picked themselves up first, and then they picked Tigger up, and underneath everybody else was Eeyore.
“Oh, Eeyore! Are you hurt?” ~A.A.Milne

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“If you’re standing on the bank of a river, and somebody BOUNCES you loudly from behind, you slip.”
“But who did it?” asked Roo.
“I expect it was Tigger,” said Piglet nervously.
“But, Eeyore,” said Pooh, “was it a Joke, or an Accident?”
“I didn’t stop to ask, Pooh.” ~A.A.Milne

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Pooh could get his chin on the bottom rail if he wanted to, but it was more fun to lie down and get his head under it, and watch the river slipping away beneath him… and it slipped away very slowly, being in no hurry to get there. ~A.A.Milne

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