

Guy who posts crap on the internet. (Doin/Yourmom)

Pfp by: @JoschuaKnuppe…

フォロー数:1779 フォロワー数:175

If you remember these guys, your childhood was awesome!

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Or a Godzilla Girl perhaps?

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Which is even funnier since Randall is basically a character already.

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It's also disappointing because that whole outdated awesomebro aesthetic can look really cool if you actually try to make something unique and original with it.

(Art by David Peters Todd Marshall Wayne Barlowe & Greg Broadmore)

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Reject Monke, Return to Synapsid

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>Lives literally everywhere, poles to tropics

>Top of the food chain, bullies other apex predators for fun

>Large mammal, nearly 30 feet in length

>Can only be killed by humans

Guys, I think Killer Whales might be the Rajang of real life...

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