

LvL 30+ | 🔞 nsfw, 18+ only | multiship-friendly, thirsty for boys love & jjk rare ships ✨ jjk mainly ♥ draws whatever she draws

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:10056

finally finished! I thought something 'soft' between them would be nice - nice for my doki-doki-heart.

38 161

Not really what I was looking for; but ... I can do shining art only with female characters.
I really hoped she is fake-dead because of Trumpets quirk.

23 96

uhmmmmmm I dunno what to say ///D Continuation from another Shigs-art I made weeks before. Hope you enjoy.

48 185

Yubitsume - describes a ritual of reparation. The guilty person cuts off one of his fingers and hands it over to the Yakuza boss. Season 4 is coming~!

32 91

Still not sure about their 'conversation'; maybe it was not enough for Shigaraki or he thinks his sugar daddy deserves it. Nevertheless, he cannot stop to stress him (because of his quirk lol)

25 96

Ah man ... I had this in mind after Twice overcame his trauma and was able to multiply himself: uses his quirk for a thirsty Shigaraki /DD I am so sorry.

33 120

Quick-art. Once I promised to draw RedestroxShigaraki - only to draw a devot Shigaraki with collar. But after the last chapter it seems they have to change the position /D

36 140

Drawing Shigaraki in his new hideout-outfit was a lot of fun; sketchy and fast

58 184