

It’s the art that leaves the mark. Utd/Raptors/TFC. Story lover. Twitch Partner (twitch.tv/Aleczandxr). I run a nerdy YouTube channel. Expect spoilers.

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:34933

Nah man how is Shanks consistently the coolest character in One Piece despite only ever showing up once every hundred chapters?!

64 1080

I've reached the second rawest volume cover of all time

41 1115

Happy Arcane Wednesday! Today we’ll be discussing the amazing second act of Arcane - going through each episode and talking about Jinx, Silco, Vi, Jayce, Viktor, Kaitlyn, Mel and more!


4 64

I finished Drum Island from One Piece yesterday and thought it was really good! Chopper’s backstory was easily one of the best so far and the conclusion to the arc was the most poetic. It seems like I’m heading into the biggest arc (in terms of buildup) yet so I’m super excited!

57 947

Haikyuu is the perfect story

147 917

I love the Phantom Troupe so much dude, how can you just WRITE something as abstract and genius as THAT and make it so raw yet interesting to engage with??

61 666

How can a story be so perfect?

18 285


14 307

Haikyuu makes me feel grateful to be alive

1399 9243