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Haigh ó Rita! Tá eachtra nua Rita ar an bhealach!
Hi from Rita! Rita's new adventure is on the way!
Ádh mór @MyraZepf & @andrewwhitson92 ! Táimid ar bís! @MalMccann @graffeg_books @ForasnaGaeilge @LeirmheasTG4 @LizCanning2 @bbcgaeilge @GaelLinn @maighculinn @doconnormusic
Haigh ó Rita! Tá eachtra nua Rita ar an bhealach!
Hi from Rita! Rita's new adventure is on the way!
Ádh mór @MyraZepf & @andrewwhitson92 Whitson! Ar bís! @ACNIWriting @J_A_deBrun @KidsBooksIrel @LizCanning2 @crogallmorglas @sarahwebbishere @GrainneNiM @graffeg_books @MalMccann
So delighted with this sneak preview of my illustrations @graffeg_books books of Muireann agus an Míol Mór/ Molly and The Stormy Sea - Wonderful words@ Malachy Doyle & Focail ghalánta Ghaeilge @Myra Zepf Sonas an leabhair nua! @andrewwhitson92 @thesomafestival @MalMccann @CnaG
Fantastic books by @ShirleyHughes have guided my way. Please go and find "Alfie gets in First" Behold the beautiful drawings and story. @LizCanning2 @MyraZepf #bookelves18 #Pictureboks #Irishbks #AsGaeilge @sarahwebbishere @MaryEstherJudy @An_tSnathaid @Siuners @booksaremybag
Forever in my imagination @andrewwhitson92 . "Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen Wonderful illustrations by @PJLynchArt Must have in your library. @LizCanning2 @booksaremybag #bookelves18 #Pictureboks #Irishbks #latelate #latelatetoyshow @RTELateLateShow @KidsBooksIrel
Seo Rita ag spaisteoireacht leis an dragún! Bíodh tamall spaisteoireachta agat ar 19ú Bealtaine @Culturlann @ 1!Seoladh na leabhair RITA @MyraZepf @andrewwhitson92 @ACNIWriting @MeonEile @AntEolas @MalMccann @mairinnighadhra @MacallaTeo @ronanmaccon @CaoimheChats @CaoimheNLaighin
Seo Rita ag spaisteoireacht leis an dragún! Bíodh tamall spaisteoireachta agat linn ar an 19ú Bealtaine @Culturlann ar a 1! Seoladh na leabhair RITA @MyraZepf @andrewwhitson92 @ACNIWriting @AntUltach @AilbheOM @Siuners @ForasnaGaeilge @LynetteFay @ronanbeo @BlathnaidRua @futafata
Bígí linn! Come and meet Rita and her friends - launching the Rita books on Sat 19th May @ 1pm @An_tSnathaid @sarahwebbishere @DLR_Libraries @tarsilakruse @ACNIWriting @ForasnaGaeilge @PatriciaForde1 @ForasnaGaeilge @newbelfast @bronachtwomey @arts_businessni @KidsBooksIrel