

Sui's personal account

Content Account:

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:145

Yeah they do, Canada is a scary place

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Aww, thank you, I'll try finish it asap

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'cause unfortunately most people don't have a choice in the matter, it's either that or no internet, and I need my memes

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back to drawing I go, definitely was not slacking

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You deserve all of them, your art is amazing

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It was clearly an April fools joke

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I think I just managed to make all my subscribers hate me with a 40 seconds video, I have no regrets.

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I want to feel a part of the VRChat community, even just a small part would be fine, but I feel like every time I get a chance to I somehow manage to mess it up due to my anxiety or my busy schedule, why am I like this?

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