

Sui's personal account

Content Account:

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:145

working on updating my youtube and twitch profile pic, I think I've improved a little bit since last time I did it, so I can't wait to apply what I've learned to my own creation

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Random drunk positivity tweet right before going sleep (at 2pm 'cause what's a sleep schedule)

You're all wonderful, too often you're unable to see your own good points and cannot accept the way you are, but remember that no matter what, you got this!

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All those unread notifications

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pics or it didn't happen

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Do you ever just bite the inside of your cheeks and then it inflates making it easier for you to bite the inside of your cheeks so it never heals cause keep on biting the inside of your damned cheeks?

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Just woke up at 5pm, sleep schedule is back on track, now time to be productive

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hap borf
Idk if I'm late but I drew a quick thing >.>
hope you had a great day

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When it's only 4am but you're already tired and want to go sleep, halp pls

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y'all better have a wonderful day, or else...

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The milk itself is not the problem, it's the container

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