

Sui's personal account

Content Account:

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First commission for Chained (make a Twitter gdi)

I said I wasn't gonna do backgrounds and I still stand by it, but I can make an exception depending on the case I guess

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I mean, you're really cute too, the problem was the completion being out of anyone's league.

Tho you still have a fair chance against bebitt when it comes to looks, personality and moves

Don't give up

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I've decided to finally get off my ass and learn to play guitar.
It's gonna be a long and difficult process but I can't wait to be able to play it confidently.

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I just caught up with the latest episode of Attack on Titan and it's just so good aaaaAAAAAAAAAH

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Both OBS and SOBS are up to date, so are my drivers.
Now, I just did it without cam for now but I'd like to know for future reference.
Pls halp

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Yo, if any of y'all is going to AX this year let's meet up and have fun, or even just say hi, especially since Idk when I'll be able to fly to the US again

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I kinda forgot to post it yesterday but this is what my updated profile pic looks like 🤔

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