

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

Meanwhile, being a Nero sizefag is the best thing since the Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

4 19

So this is what I have learned from the Gridman remake so far,
THIGHS > Ultraman > Monster of the week.

34 153

Good, good, Kai is size perfection that mustn't be rushed.

0 2

Handplay is underrated for a good reason.

46 204

Space, where waifus and their apocalyptic whims of lewd are under no obligation to make sense to you.

9 89

Bowsette is cool and all that jazz, but let's not forget:
Valkyria Chronicles 4
comes out

12 82

That moment when you realize Bowsette has gotten more art in three days than your waifu ever did in 14 years.

1 4

Can you picture all the NA players who are about to get smugged to oblivion by the Nerofest challenge quests?

22 129