

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

I'll take your word for it.

0 16

Old stuff repostan. (Finally done?)

8 48

Old stuff repostan. (x3)

6 41

I tried to turn one of my collages into 3D size wizardry with, but I suck at this.

48 224

Waifus not aside, Summer Umu is perfection that shall never be topped.

3 6

Joke's on her, size despair is my real fetish.

0 1

Old stuff repostan. (Cont.)

25 120

A fellow man of culture I see.

0 0

Old stuff repostan.

9 87

Space, the lewdest frontier.

23 127