

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30648

It is 's turn to hop into the birthday train and enjoy some surprise Narmaya size goodness. With the 2nd picture being a humble and personal retake on that endearing drawing you did with her a while back, hope you enjoy and have a happy bday!

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Here's some tera sized ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop for the bday scatman , I hope you have a good one!

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What's that sound?
Everybody look whose smol waifu is going down.

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Is that a fleet of battleships fighting a giga sized summer Ushi on her fingertip? Or I am just too hyped for her?

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Here you go gringos and weirdos. Because nothing says Happy 4th of July louder than stars and stripes barely containing metric tons of jiggling and mountain dwarfing FREEDOM.

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An honorable mention for my poor heart, which had completely avoided any desire to roll for Okita Alter and save for Caster Umu and summer instead until it saw these:

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I really want to recommend playing the first VC, just out of how fun and good it is, but you don't really need it or the others to understand the story of this new one. Chronologically VC4 happens alongside the first game, but focuses on a different country and front of the war.

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Not sure on the Mac thing, but there is indeed a Switch port coming alongside with the PS4 and XB1 versions later this year.

And good haha, feel free to let the smug sniper cat corrupt your size fantasies, she is worth it.

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And the clean version, which may be only used for consensual human speck to giga toehoe bday cuddles for sole purpose of d'aaw.

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