

Artist with Nintendo fanart

I'm a great Nintendo-, RPG-, Xenoblade- & Zelda-Fan.

Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/97652…

フォロー数:4998 フォロワー数:3867

Nia celebrates my over 3500 followers with you!🥳🐈🥳

Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement!^^

I’m very grateful.

74 345

I'm drawing cute Nintendo art (mostly for the Xenoblade series).^^

151 1248

Happy New Year everyone!🍀🎆🍀
I hope we all will have a fantastic new year🍀

And I’m still working on my new "New Years" picture so here are my illustrations from the last two years.;)

19 65

This one.^^
It is my 100th picture and the biggest one I have ever draw. https://t.co/Xtpf2P84FQ

4 24